Remote Practice Management:

Because Even Superheroes Need a Sidekick.

  • The Everyday Organiser

    Outsource the Rolling Admin.

    If you find yourself drowning in administrative tasks every week and promising yourself that you’ll catch up but never quite managing to do so, I’m here to help. From invoicing and client onboarding to managing daily inquiries, I specialise in handling those crucial but non-income-generating tasks.

    My goal is to take the burden off your shoulders so you can focus on what you do best—supporting your clients and growing your business. Let me handle the details so you can stay focused on your core work.

  • Time and Cost Savings Systems.

    If running your business feels like a constant scramble, I’m here to help. My focus is on streamlining operations and taking those tasks off your plate, ensuring everything runs as lean and efficient as possible. I’m committed to keeping costs down and avoiding unnecessary expenses, so you can concentrate on what really matters to you in your business - helping your clients.

  • Help with the Endless To-Do list.

    Running your own business means there’s rarely a day off. If you’re juggling a long to-do list that never seems to get any shorter, I can help with those projects that always seem to be on the back burner. Whether it's website updates, research, documentation, communicating business changes, or assisting with marketing plans, I’m here to take those tasks off your plate and free up your brain.

  • Keep it Small. Efficient.

    If you don’t need a full-time admin person just waiting for work to come in, my remote practice management services are perfect for you. I offer flexible hours, ensuring you're not paying for downtime. I handle emails promptly and keep everything running smoothly—keeping things small, efficient, and effective.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do you offer email and phone support?

Yes, I offer both email and phone support. Each service comes with its own setup requirements, but I can tailor them to fit your business needs.

If you prefer to manage phone support yourself and outsource only email support, that’s absolutely fine.

Alternatively, if you’d like me to handle both, I can arrange a phone service that integrates seamlessly with your operations. We can create the setup and investment that works best for you.

How does remote practice management work?

Online is the answer. I work flexible hours which means I am not sitting around waiting to respond (time you don’t need to pay for). I reply to emails in an efficient, timely manner and keep things ticking along.

I recommend moving primarily to an email-based practice as this streamlines communication pathways for clients. However, some practices may require phone-based communication, which we can define how this will work best for you and how I can help.

What systems do you use?

I am experienced in Halaxy, GSuite, MS Suite, Canva, basic websites (Wordpress, SquareSpace, WIX, Shopify), but I am always keen to learn your systems and what works for your business and lifestyle.

As a former IT project manager, I enjoy learning new systems and have learnt many, many different CRMs and IT systems over the years.

I am also experienced in NDIS billing, reporting processes and requirements.

How many hours do you usually charge per week?

I work with small (even micro would be a better term) businesses, who want to keep it small, and enjoy the work they do. They don’t want to build the next global empire and employ 50 staff and mid-tier managers - they want to create a wealth of change within their clients and community whilst also enjoying a more balanced lifestyle of a boutique practice.

My services start at a minimum of 2 hours per week, with most businesses finding that 2-6 hours per week meets their needs.

My goal is to do the work in the most efficient manner. Over time you may find you need less hours as we create better systems for your business.

How do you track and bill for time?

I use online software to accurately track time, logging when tasks start and stop to ensure accurate billing. I also batch respond to inquiries to maximise billable time.

Billing is done in 15-minute increments, with a minimum charge of 2 hours per week. If you need additional hours, have specific projects, or experience peak periods, I can adjust to accommodate your needs.

What hours do you work?

I generally work Monday to Friday, 9 AM to 5 PM, but I’m flexible to adjust my hours to suit your business needs. I respond to emails multiple times a day and batch tasks for efficiency, while also monitoring for any urgent inquiries. We can agree on the specifics of my availability and any boundaries you want in place.

We have all done the work-burnout cycle, and I am all about finding what works for your business, your mental and physical health, and putting systems in place to ensure sustainable client support.

When you’re on holiday, I can monitor your business to prevent any delays for your clients. When I take time off we can pause services, particularly if I head overseas. We can plan this out together to avoid any sudden changes. I am not the type of person to take last-minute, long trips away =)

About Bec.

Practice Manager. Organisation Nerd.

My background is the usual Millennial story - started out in corporate, ended up in my own small business. And I love it!

My journey began with a BSc in Psychology from Monash University, followed by a Master’s in Business from USYD. I then ventured into the corporate pharmaceutical sector, where I enjoyed the work and my team but struggled with the rigid office lifestyle. After a few years in project management, I transitioned to running my own decluttering and organising business. It was a fantastic small business until the challenges of multiple lockdowns prompted me to pivot. From here I learned that I enjoy organising businesses a little more than wardrobes (although I still have a keen Pinterest addiction). Now, I focus on health with a few lovely NDIS Support Coordination clients and Remote Practice Management.

I love working with kind people who want to help others. I am also an advocate of building your own business in a sustainable way that works for you.

Interested in Working Together?

Here’s How It Works:

  1. Fill Out the Form: Provide some background information below, and I’ll get back to you within 1-2 business days.

  2. Schedule a Call: I’ll set up a call to discuss your needs in more detail and address any questions you might have. I’ll also come prepared with a few questions to make sure we’re on the same page and ready to go!

  3. Start the Process: If you’re ready to move forward, I’ll send you a Service Agreement. We’ll then have a Zoom call to review your current systems (or your vision for them!), set up logins, and begin sharing responsibilities. Don’t worry if it can’t all happen at once—we can phase in the support to fit your business needs.